Morning Struggles to Yoga Triumphs with Hatha

Morning Struggles to Yoga Triumphs with Hatha

Do not be afraid, for I am always with you.
Inspired by watching the Two Popes on Netflix

For the longest time, I just couldn’t get myself to get up this morning. The alarm was set for 5.48am with strong intent to practice yoga from 6am to 7:30am. What actually happened was I barely scraped myself off the bed at 7:15am and practiced from 7:30am to 8am. 30 minutes of yoga a day is still better than nothing. 

The purpose of yoga practice according to Patanjali is to achieve a state of Chitta Vritti Nirodhah, which means removing of the fluctuations of the mind until it rests in a state of total tranquility and peace.

Well, today I was nowhere near that state. My mental chatter would not stop. But overall it felt good, especially when I was holding Warrior 1 and 2 poses - some of my favorite asanas as they instill strength and grace while opening up the chest to receive new.

After a brief sequence of 5-6 poses, there was enough time for a short Savasana (final resting pose after the practice) and a light breakfast before I had to get ready for my work day. I love when I start my day early with a yoga routine - it gives such a nice boost of energy and positivity to my day. If only I could wake up at 6am every morning.

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